inspire me thursday....umbrella x

umbrella etiquette
when disembarking from public transit, one should keep their umbrella holstered until such a proper time as it may be safely wielded without impeding the general progress of fellow passengers
ensure the umbrella you carry is of good craftsmanship. it should not have any broken spikes as this could be hazardous to passers-by
hold your umbrella at an adequate height above your head. a good rule of thumb is to keep the bottom of the handle at shoulder level
though swordlike, umbrella's are not weapons; they should not be treated as such. do not engage in fencing, jousting, or any other manner of swordplay or horseplay with an umbrella. please practice your swordsmanship using actual swords
quotes from umbrella etiquette
wishing you all an inspirational (and hopefully sword less!) thursday