Saturday, February 28
just a minute x

peonies & polaroids x

shopping list saturday.....blossom x

the saturday shopping list was started by fancy picnic so hop on over there to take a look at everybody elses lists.
hope your saturday is off to a enjoyable start & hope you've got lovely plans for sunday....x
Friday, February 27
addicted to blogging x
olive rue posted about this today.....it's a test to show how addicted you are to blogging! try it here & let me know how you do?
Monday, February 23
blue monday.....x
Sunday, February 22
hong kong colour.....x

1. photo styled by emma freemantle 2. photo styled by emma freemantle
1. photo styled by emma freemantle 2. photo by emma freemantle

1. photo styled by emma freemantle 2. photo by emma freemantle
we paid a quick visit to sham shui po yesterday morning, but it was only fleeting so i didn't have chance to take any pictures.....sham shui po is streets & streets full of trim shops, button shops, and fabric shops.....mecca for those who love fashion, textiles, crafting etc....on my last visit before christmas i bought the most beautiful feathers with the intention of doing something wonderful with them.....as soon as do that something wonderful i'll post the results here....promise to post more on the fabric market later in the week
enjoy what is left of the weekend....x
Saturday, February 21
shopping list saturday.....x

rose tea by sophieisobeldesigns.....sophie was the first to follow my blog, and i love her broaches & artwork....x

pearls & teaparties by curiousnomad.....this lovely print uses one of sophie's broaches....x
tea cosy with vintage buttons by lullabiesandlace....how cute is this....x
enchanted teatime by afancifultwist....beautiful collage piece....x
pretty in pink teaparty necklace by polkadotpancake....i love this it is so cute....x
teatime necklace by theprincessbowtique....would look lovely worn with the pink teaparty necklace....x

alice in wonderland charm bracelet by rosecreekcottage....i adore charm bracelets....x
Friday, February 20

Wednesday, February 18
my bags are packed.....x

i'm off again.....this time to hong kong. it's probably worth me mentioning this is a work trip, as was La - unfortunately i'm not a fabulously wealthy woman who just takes off around the world as & when the mood takes her.....mores the pity!
i'm lucky enough to have visited hong kong many times over the past 5 years.....it's such a fab place, with a strange sense of the familiar, having many british traits as a knock back from being a colony, but also being completely alien, with a language that i will never make any sense of, no matter how many times i visit.
i've never really taken the time to take photos of hong kong, but as i now have this blog i have my camera at the ready and am going to make more of an effort to get out & about so i can show the many different facets of hong kong.
hope your week is going well...will return on friday from the other side of the world
take care x
Tuesday, February 17
plumo spring collection x
some of my favourite things

happy spring shopping x
Monday, February 16
the ten things I love most about Paris are.....x

(place de l'Opera, brooklyn museum)
Sunday, February 15
28millimetres project x

"the more you go to places like Kibera, the more you realise that the people don't understand you. food is their first need. they don't do art just for the love of art. it has to make sense. by making their roofs rainproof, what we did made sense. they loved it" jr
I think these photos are so beautiful, and seeing them in context of the landscape in which they were taken is amazing.....there is such a strong sense of power & purpose in them.....

kenya: women project
work in progress in Rio favela of Providencia

Rio favela of Providencia
on a slightly different note, there was also an article on blogging, listing the first half of 100 best blogs. have to admit that I don't follow (or have even looked at?) any of those listed so far, but i might now be tempted to have a peek at the following......
tmz the ultimate in "snarky" (sarcastic & cheeky) celeb gossip
thelipster the "hobnobs" of hip style blogs - you can't stop munching!
orwelldiaries george orwell's diary entries are reproduced here
chine photos of daily life in china
venicedailyphoto photos of daily life in venice
not many from a list of 50, but more hopeful on next weeks list which covers art, the home, theatre & pop....
enjoy your sunday x
Saturday, February 14
can't buy me love....x
lovely things.............

2. white love sign....an angel at my table
3. gold love sign....an angel at my table
4. love heart....photo by eva lindh for lantliv magazine
lovely books.............
1. wuthering heights....emily bronte
2. enduring love....ian mcewan
3. love letters lost....babbette hines
4. the french lieutenant's woman....john fowles

1. hyacinths....
2. tulips....
3. orchids....
and what love can do that dares love attempt
william shakespeare, romeo & juliet (1595)

(top left: sandra r, top right: peace & love, bottom left: grace faoro, bottom right: beth armsheimer all on flickr)
love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud...
it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs...
love does not delight in the evil but rejoices in the truth...
it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres....x
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
happy valentines day to all......x
Saturday, February 7
J'adore Paris....x

Friday, February 6
"she would rather light a candle than curse the darkness, and her glow has warmed the world..."
Adlai Stevenson, writing about Eleanor Roosevelt, in the New York Times, 8th november 1962
source: Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
my LA story.......part 2 x
the windows were beautiful with flying papier machie birds and lovely garden benches, pots and things that made me wish Spring were a little bit nearer so I can start planting pots & making my garden look much more presentable than it does.....
I could easily have bought twice as much as I did, but here's a few things I just couldn't resist.....
so pretty......vintage style espresso cups...x
pretty & glittery.....lovely guest soaps...x
a really lovely mercurised tealight lamp...x
also bought some lovely books, notebooks and a gorgeous door handle which is going to look great on my living room door.
must now go and light my beautiful lamp......x