
Tuesday, May 12

a glass of homemade lemonade x

lots and lots and lots of thanks to caroline at patchwork harmony for being kind enough to give me the "lemonade award"......thank you, thank you, thank you xx

i would now like to pass it onto the following lovely blogs....

*a field journal*
*concrete and honey*
*oh hello friend*
*ill seen, ill said*
*lola b's*
*peonies and polaroids*
*she left on a monday*
*the cherry blog*
*{this is glamorous}*

there are rules for this award
and they are as follows

1. put the lemonade award on your blog or post
2. nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude
3. link to your nominees in your post
4. let the nominees know that they have recieved the award by commenting on their blogs
5. link to the person from whom you recieved the award

and lastly, enjoy it!



  1. thank you so much, you have a fabulous blog here.

  2. Thank you thank you! *hugs*

  3. Sharon,

    Thank you so so much for the award! very sweet of you! I have enjoyed reading your blog and want to add you to my blog roll as i love it!

    Im off on holiday in about one hour!! so will forward on this award upon my return home. Have a great week, and thanks again!


  4. Thank you! Absolutely delighted.



thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I love reading your thoughts on my thoughts so please scribble your comments here
take care, sharon x