i seem to have stumbled upon lots of lovely new blogs over the past few days ~ i love the fact that no matter how many blogs you already follow, there are always some more loveliness & creativity to find out there. and the strange way in which you find one new thing, that leads to another new find, that leads to yet another new artist & before you know it you've forgotten where you started?
today's lovely find comes via jackie magpie, who i found via twitter ~ oh, the wonderful world of social networking ~ jackie magpie is a wonderful blog written by a collective of creative people, sharing creative things, & these sketches caught my eye. drawn by artist james gulliver hancock, who has set himself the task of illustrating all the buildings of new york city. his sketches take on all forms, some being simple black & white scribbles on napkins, others are more detailed works coloured up in acrylic or ink, but all have a wonderful personality to them. reading an article posted on his blog, i completely agree with james about one of the things that makes new york special; the architectural quirks & different buildings you find just walking along a single street in new york;
"I really love the architectural details, the funny little cornices, finding little alleyways, I like noticing how things really change on a street in New York. You will have a factory, then a three-storey townhouse, then a little bodega and then an amazingly ornate bank. It's just incredible the juxtaposition. I don't remember seeing that in other cities so intensely, and I like it"
for now